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& I OOP....


For the past 6 months I’ve really been working on creating a healthy mental space. Often times we forget that our emotional well-being is just as important as our physical well-being. In 2018 I felt stagnant, put on pause with my growth on hold. There was so much stress, anxiety and straight up fear. I was literally shook. So this year, 2019, I vowed to make it different. Eager to cultivate a positive space for growth. Whether it's juicing, working out, or mediating, I've manage to find beneficial things that also spark joy. The hair on my head has been flourishing, my nails are strong, my skin has become more manageable and my attitude has improved!

I’ve taught myself how to be vulnerable. There comes a point in your life where you have to lay it out in front of you (the good and bad) and decide on the direction you want to take. It’s pretty much a trial and error process. But what I can say is being vulnerable with myself how allowed me to uncover the things I truly love. In return I give time and energy to these things which has helped me to create a space in which I could grow. In time I want to be a source of joy for others.

The beginning of 2019 has really allowed me to figure out the level of consistency needed in order for me to grow and see change. I think I’m made stronger for it. This year I am working hard on laying the ground work. In time, I hope that I will reap the rewards and see the desires of my heart come to fruition! Outfit details are linked below!

Top : Vintage Pants: ZARA (SOLD OUT) Shoes: Footlocker

ph. Shaza Ports (Instagram)



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